Artist Statement: This piece is called "La Raza Cosmica" in English "The Cosmic Race" . This is actually a book by Joe Vasconcellos. "Raza Cosmica" s a concept in the context of Latin America where mestizaje is such a thing that we no longer can trace who is red, black, white or yellow. I feel part of this #razacosmica and so does my #bruja in this drawing. This “bruja” is #antiracist ✊🏽 and has #afrocolombian #muiscas and #whitespanish ancestors.
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I am a Colombian-born living in Kentucky. But now, I consider myself a KentuLatinx. This part of my identity is very important for my art because it often portraits my lived experiences in both Colombia and Kentucky. Art allows me to express deep feelings and experiences as a woman. The divine feminine and her relationship to the environment is the one of the main subjects of my drawings. The female characters represents mother earth, the provider and their harmonious relationship with the natural elements.