Maria Truitt
Boone County
Artist Statement: Enbridge - a Canadian pipeline company responsible for the largest inland oil spill in the US - is attempting to abandon its existing ""Line 3"" pipeline without repairing or removing it. Enbridge proposes to build a new pipeline to transport tar sands oil over 1000 miles–endangering three of the continent's major watersheds, including the Great Lakes (home to 1/5 of the world's fresh water). This pipeline would go through the heart of Anishinaabe territory and some of the best lakes and wild rice beds in the world. This disruption of indigenous communities endangers them and their land and is a breach of the Treaty of 1855, violating the treaty rights of the Anishinaabe by endangering primary areas of hunting, fishing, wild rice, and cultural resources.
STOP LINE 3 - for more info go to www.stopline3.org.
My piece uses the familiar imagery of a black snake representing the pipeline and expresses the aftermath of a pipeline spill, the future which is inevitable for all pipelines. The blood of the people is on Embridge's hands as people continue to work together to fight - to strangle this black snake.

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Pursuing a major in Environmental Science with a double minor in Biology and Social Justice at Northern Kentucky University, but before anything I am a steward of this land, a protector of justice, and an educator who raises awareness - these things make up the bones who carry who I am.