Sarah Cobb Spradlin
Bourbon County
Artist Statement: This painting, like many of my works, depicts a harmonic existence of a diverse culture. The Luncheonette was my pandemic painting. It was originally a water color and I wanted subject matter that I could work on for an extended period to keep me going through lock down. I had taught art in a fairly diverse school for twenty-four years and was impressed by how the kids managed to get along, for the most part. There was a safe feeling in my art room where kids sat with other students they would not normally encounter, from students that were moved to the area to escape gang activity to the most advantaged students who came in from private schools to have a high school experience. There was a sense of exploration as they shared their backgrounds through discussions when making art.
I always felt that this was the most successful integration they would ever encounter, probably due to their youth and not totally ruined by adult prejudices that could influence them later. In all my figurative paintings there is a mix such as this between races, cultures, wealth and poverty. I want to show people doing what can be achieved and many times is achieved on a daily basis.
This piece is for sale for $500.

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I am a Kentucky native with a life long passion for art. I live amid the pastures and creeks of Bourbon County and am an avid nature appreciator. As a painter, I rely on my ability to draw from my experiences and imagination to produce a body of imaginative, narrative paintings.
As a mature painter, I am working on a legacy of pictures depicting everyday life at a higher plane of tolerance and acceptance of diverse people. It is my hope that these treasures of how life should be lived can inspire viewers after my exit.
I have spent my entire working life in the field of art, including exhibitions, graphic design, illustration, publishing, and art education. I learned more about art and acceptance of others through 24 years of teaching. I cherish my opportunities to encourage students about life situations as well as their artistic growth.