Meta and Jackie Mendel-Reyes

Meta and Jackie Mendel-Reyes

Madison County

A Kid’s Guide to Just Transition

There are three parts: the Just Transition wheel, the key, and a blank wheel for kids to draw on. Inspired by "A People's Orientation to a Regenerative Economy."

Click here for downloadable PDFs of the Kid's Guide, for kids to print out and draw on!

A Kid’s Guide to Just Transition
Blank Wheel
Blank Wheel

To purchase this piece or support this artist, contact them below.

About Meta and Jackie Mendel-Reyes

Meta Mendel-Reyes is currently a member of the KFTC Executive Committee, and has been a community and labor organizer for many years.

Jackie Mendel-Reyes is an artist and attended her first protest in a stroller. They are the proud grandmother and mother of Hope. The Kids' Guide to Just Transition is for her and her future.